Region ID Changer #3 [Vega]
Region ID Changer #3 [Vega]

NOTE: Outdated by Anarion's version

This code allows you to set a custom region ID when connecting online. The code only effects the Region ID when connecting online, thus there will be no prompt from the game to reset the data save due to a region ID change.

C266B7D0 00000002
3800000X 90030084
60000000 00000000

C2672F34 00000002
3800000X 90030084
60000000 00000000

C26725A0 00000002
3800000X 90030084
60000000 00000000

C266128C 00000002
3800000X 90030084
60000000 00000000

X = Region ID

X Values:
0 = Japan
1 = Americas
2 = Europe
3 = AUS/NZ
4 = Taiwan
5 = S. Korea
6 = China

li r0, X #(Load value X into register 0)
stw r0, 0x0084 (r3) #Store value from register 0 to address of register 3 plus offset of 0x0084

#Default instruction of lwz r0, 0x0084 (r3) not needed

Code creator: Vega
Does it change your region line color in others screens?
Line color change (from the Region ID change) will show on everyone's screen, but this doesn't mean that you can use the code to switch line colors (on other's screens) from race to race. This code can't do that.
(08-01-2018, 02:07 AM)mapnov Wrote: Does it change your region line color in others screens?

Here you go:

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