11-14-2021, 09:34 PM
My first code post here!
The byte at XXXXYYYY will be 1 if you're in a race, and 0 if you aren't.
(Region free)
C0000000 00000006
3D8080E4 896C74A4
3D80XXXX 2C0B0001
40820008 4800000C
39400000 48000008
39400001 994CYYYY
60000000 00000000
The byte at XXXXYYYY will be 1 if you're in a race, and 0 if you aren't.
(Region free)
C0000000 00000006
3D8080E4 896C74A4
3D80XXXX 2C0B0001
40820008 4800000C
39400000 48000008
39400001 994CYYYY
60000000 00000000
.set RACE, XXXX #replace XXXX with the lower 16 bits of your address
lis r12, 0x80E4
lbz r11, 0x74A4(r12) #load value into r11
lis r12, 0xYYYY #replace YYYY with the upper 16 bits of your address
cmpwi r11, 1
bne not #if value != 1, we are not in a race, branch to not
b in #else branch to in
li r10, 0
b end
li r10, 1
stb r10, RACE(r12) #finally, store r10 at your desired location