03-14-2020, 04:57 PM
200cc Replaces 150cc [JoshuaMK, Leseratte]
Anytime 150cc is detected, the speed is properly modded for 200cc.
C2571CF4 00000005
3D80809B 618C8F68
818C0000 816C0B6C
2C0B0002 4082000C
3D804334 91891134
C0091134 00000000
048B141C 3FC00000
C2578558 00000005
3D80809B 618CD728
818C0000 816C0B6C
2C0B0002 4082000C
3D804334 91891134
C0091134 00000000
048B5CDC 3FC00000
C2577ED8 00000005
3D80809B 618CC788
818C0000 816C0B6C
2C0B0002 4082000C
3D804334 91891134
C0091134 00000000
048B4E3C 3FC00000
C25665B0 00000005
3D80809A 618CBD68
818C0000 816C0B6C
2C0B0002 4082000C
3D804334 91891134
C0091134 00000000
048A4154 3FC00000
Source ASM
lis r12, cc_pointer@h
ori r12, r12, cc_pointer@l
lwz r12, 0 (r12)
lwz r11, 0xB6C (r12)
cmpwi r11, 2 #0 = 50cc, 1 = 100cc, 2 = 150cc, 3 = Battle
bne- not_200cc
lis r12, 0x4334
stw r12, 0x1134 (r9)
lfs f0, 0x1134 (r9)
Code Creators: JoshuaMK, Leseratte
Anytime 150cc is detected, the speed is properly modded for 200cc.
C2571CF4 00000005
3D80809B 618C8F68
818C0000 816C0B6C
2C0B0002 4082000C
3D804334 91891134
C0091134 00000000
048B141C 3FC00000
C2578558 00000005
3D80809B 618CD728
818C0000 816C0B6C
2C0B0002 4082000C
3D804334 91891134
C0091134 00000000
048B5CDC 3FC00000
C2577ED8 00000005
3D80809B 618CC788
818C0000 816C0B6C
2C0B0002 4082000C
3D804334 91891134
C0091134 00000000
048B4E3C 3FC00000
C25665B0 00000005
3D80809A 618CBD68
818C0000 816C0B6C
2C0B0002 4082000C
3D804334 91891134
C0091134 00000000
048A4154 3FC00000
Source ASM
lis r12, cc_pointer@h
ori r12, r12, cc_pointer@l
lwz r12, 0 (r12)
lwz r11, 0xB6C (r12)
cmpwi r11, 2 #0 = 50cc, 1 = 100cc, 2 = 150cc, 3 = Battle
bne- not_200cc
lis r12, 0x4334
stw r12, 0x1134 (r9)
lfs f0, 0x1134 (r9)
Code Creators: JoshuaMK, Leseratte
Super Mario Eclipse, what Super Mario Sunshine could've been.