No Invincibility Frames [RoGamer]
No Invincibility Frames [RoGamer]

This code removes the Invincibility Frames, meaning that when you get hit, you won't be invincible while being damaged. While using item hack, you can drop a lot of items at once because the effect of the code.

04563418 60000000

04567798 60000000

04567118 60000000

045557F0 60000000

Original Value = 2C05FFFF

Code creator: RoGamer
This code make the races crazy and I love it, but there's an annoying bug where if you get shocked while you are launched in air during an explosion, the camera will glitch giving a limited top view and making difficult to see obstacles in front until you get hit again by a blue shell/bomb, enter in a cannon or simply you get respawned by falling out of track. In those cases the camera will be normal again

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