Thunder Cloud Effect Modifier [Unnamed]
Thunder Cloud Effect Modifier [Unnamed]

This code is the generalization of the “Mega Cloud” code from JoshuaMK. I have fixed the Item Loss bug and now you can choose the Item effect you want. If you choose Shock, POW or Blooper, then it will be like if you fired the Item when the TC zaps you.

C2579DCC 0000000E
9421FFE0 BF61000C
541BF0BE 7C0802A6
90010008 3FE0809C
83FFEE20 8BDF0010
7C1BF000 40800038
1C1B0248 819F0014
7C6C0214 81630090
396B0001 91630090
396000II 1D6B001C
3D80809B 618CEEB0
7D8C582E 7D8803A6
4E800021 80010008
7C0803A6 BB61000C
38210020 00000000

C2580630 0000000E
9421FFE0 BF61000C
541BF0BE 7C0802A6
90010008 3FE0809C
83FF3618 8BDF0010
7C1BF000 40800038
1C1B0248 819F0014
7C6C0214 81630090
396B0001 91630090
396000II 1D6B001C
3D80809C 618C36B8
7D8C582E 7D8803A6
4E800021 80010008
7C0803A6 BB61000C
38210020 00000000

C257FFB0 0000000E
9421FFE0 BF61000C
541BF0BE 7C0802A6
90010008 3FE0809C
83FF2678 8BDF0010
7C1BF000 40800038
1C1B0248 819F0014
7C6C0214 81630090
396B0001 91630090
396000II 1D6B001C
3D80809C 618C2718
7D8C582E 7D8803A6
4E800021 80010008
7C0803A6 BB61000C
38210020 00000000

C256E688 0000000E
9421FFE0 BF61000C
541BF0BE 7C0802A6
90010008 3FE0809B
83FF1C58 8BDF0010
7C1BF000 40800038
1C1B0248 819F0014
7C6C0214 81630090
396B0001 91630090
396000II 1D6B001C
3D80809B 618C1CF8
7D8C582E 7D8803A6
4E800021 80010008
7C0803A6 BB61000C
38210020 00000000

II: Item Values
04 = Mushroom
08 = Shock
09 = Star
0B = Mega
0C = Blooper
0D = Pow
0F = Bullet


#### Hook Adresses #####
### 80579DCC  (NTSC-U)
### 80580630  (PAL)
### 8057FFB0  (NTSC-J)
### 8056E688  (NTSC-K)

### PlayerHolder ###
## 809BEE20 (NTSC-U)
## 809C3618 (PAL)
## 809C2678 (NTSC-J)
## 809B1C58 (NTSC-K)

### ItemFunctions ###
## 809BEEB0 (NTSC-U)
## 809C36B8 (PAL)
## 809C2718 (NTSC-J)
## 809B1CF8 (NTSC-K)


stwu r1, -0x20(r1)
stmw r27, 0xC(r1)
srwi r27, r0, 2
mflr r0
stw r0, 8(r1)
lis r31, PlayerHolder_upper
lwz r31, PlayerHolder_lower
lbz r30, 0x10(r31)
cmpw r27, r30
bge skip
mulli r0, r27, 0x248
lwz r12, 0x14(r31)
add r3, r12, r0
lwz r11, 0x90(r3)
addi r11, r11, 1
stw r11, 0x90(r3) # Add 1 to the Item count, to avoid Item loss
li r11, 0xII      # Our Item
mulli r11, r11, 0x1C
lis r12, ItemFunctions_upper
ori r12, r12, ItemFunctions_lower
lwzx r12, r12, r11
mtlr r12
lwz r0, 8(r1)
mtlr r0
lmw r27, 0xC(r1)
addi r1, r1, 0x20


Code Creator: Unnamed
Code Credits: JoshuaMK (found Hook adress)
I have an idea:
It's possible a randomized tc, where every time the tc give a different effect?

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