Instant Acceleration/Reverse [Ro]
This code will make you instantly accelerate and reverse. You cannot brake with this, instead, you'll instantly go backwards. Recommended to use with Instant Stop. NOTE: 3D804600 is the speed. Change it accordingly if you use speed hack.
0657502C 00000008
3D804600 91830020
06574620 00000008
3D80C600 919D0020
0657B890 00000008
3D804600 91830020
06574620 00000008
3D80C600 919D0020
0657B210 00000008
3D804600 91830020
06574620 00000008
3D80C600 919D0020
065698E8 00000008
3D804600 91830020
06574620 00000008
3D80C600 919D0020
Code creator: Ro
This code will make you instantly accelerate and reverse. You cannot brake with this, instead, you'll instantly go backwards. Recommended to use with Instant Stop. NOTE: 3D804600 is the speed. Change it accordingly if you use speed hack.
0657502C 00000008
3D804600 91830020
06574620 00000008
3D80C600 919D0020
0657B890 00000008
3D804600 91830020
06574620 00000008
3D80C600 919D0020
0657B210 00000008
3D804600 91830020
06574620 00000008
3D80C600 919D0020
065698E8 00000008
3D804600 91830020
06574620 00000008
3D80C600 919D0020
Code creator: Ro
mtctr r0 ~ bctrl / BLX R0