Coin magnet code
Does anyone know where I can find this code? It’s the one where at the start of of the battle, instead of the coins being spread out; the user has all the coins.
its a kmp edit if you seen it on altwfc
Yeah plus I have seen you commenting about this on a video years ago, Espion. It is very simple and uses logic, you set all positions to a specific spot and also coins. TO make all coins spawn instantly, change all settings to 0, if you want, chaneg setting 2 to FFFF to make coins spawn instantly offline and online (0000 will also instantly spawn online), but collecting will be a bit off
Yeah haha I asked about it years ago and never managed to accomplish it.
Finally had time to make a code for this. You can find it on the main codes forum. New Codes always first on (Sounds like a radio advertisement lol)

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