Drive Thru Items [Sponge]
This code will let you drive thru all ground items. Thus, you can't pick up ground shrooms or stars. You also cannot get hit by shells including the Blue Shell. However, you are still effected by shocks, bill, stars, megas, bloopers, tcs, bombs, and pows.
04790CBC 38000001
04799CC8 38000001
04799334 38000001
04788088 38000001
Code creator: Sponge
This code will let you drive thru all ground items. Thus, you can't pick up ground shrooms or stars. You also cannot get hit by shells including the Blue Shell. However, you are still effected by shocks, bill, stars, megas, bloopers, tcs, bombs, and pows.
04790CBC 38000001
04799CC8 38000001
04799334 38000001
04788088 38000001
Code creator: Sponge