Audio Fast Streaming
Audio Fast Streaming

NOTE: This code works on all Wii games, not just MKWii.

This code will change the streaming effect (make the audio sound sped-up/high-pitch) of the game's audio by modifying the bits in AI_CONTROL.

C0000000 00000003
3C60CD80 80036C00
540006B0 90036C00
4E800020 00000000

lis r3, 0xCD80 #Set Hardware Mapping
lwz r0, 0x6C00 (r3) #Load AI_CONTROL
rlwinm r0, r0, 0, 26, 24 #Clear bit 25 (RATE) to set sample rate to 48KHz
stw r0, 0x6C00 (r3) #Update AI_CONTROL

#blr #Uncomment if NOT compiling with PyiiASMH via C0 option

Code credits: WiiBrew
How could I restore the audio pitch back to normal using the same code?
You would need to flip bit 25 back to being high. However, this may not work (due to hardware limitations and this may not be the correct way to manipulate the sample rate).

lis r3, 0xCD80 #Set Hardware Mapping
lwz r0, 0x6C00 (r3) #Load AI_CONTROL
ori r0, r0, 0x0400 #Set bit 25 (RATE) to set sample rate to 32KHz
stw r0, 0x6C00 (r3) #Update AI_CONTROL

Wiibrew article -

Fyi, Wiibrew is using a Little Endian scheme for bit displays of the registers. In my opinion, this is silly, because both Broadway and Starlet are natively Big Endian.

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