Fix Custom Region Joining Via Friend Rooster [Kazuki]
Fix Custom Region Joining Via Friend Rooster [Kazuki]

Fix the problem of not being able to join via friend rooster, which is occurring in about half of all custom regions.

This code fixes the problem that occurs when patching StaticR.rel with wstrt.
In other words, it is intended for distributions that use LE-CODE or CT-CODE (or not using any custom codes).
So I don't think it will work on Pulsar.

0465a01c 60000000
0465a020 2C0000FF
0465a068 60000000
0465a06c 2C0000FF

04655b94 60000000
04655b98 2C0000FF
04655be0 60000000
04655be4 2C0000FF

04659688 60000000
0465968C 2C0000FF
046596D4 60000000
046596D8 2C0000FF

04648334 60000000
04648338 2C0000FF
04648380 60000000
04648384 2C0000FF
I’m not too familiar with this error but, is this the same bug that gives the error code 80410 when attempting to join via the friends roster? #1~
I'm not familiar either, but I suppose it will either not join the room (forever searching), or more likely is it saying that the friend is playing a regional race but it's not joinable

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