CodeWrite PowerPC Gecko Code Assembler
Didn't even know this thing existed til now.

It's an improvement to the old WiiRD GUI.  This also runs on Wine for Linux!

Improvements over WiiRD GUI.
- Branch label system for decompiling codes
- Can use your typical keyboard shortcuts in the program (CTRL A/C/V/X etc)
- No 'wrapping' issues.

Download -

Pros (vs PyiiASMH):
- It is a standalone executable
- It can decompile branch offsets into clean branch labels
- It decompiles into a cleaner hex based format

Cons (vs PyiiASMH):
- It can do C0 codetype, but currently the program compiles the C0 in a 'C2 format'. So the C0 feature is basically useless.
- Certain pseudo ops don't work which do in PyiiASMH

Pros (vs PyiiASMH 3):
- It is a standalone executable, the standalone version of PyiiASMH 3 only works on Windows

Cons (vs PyiiASMH 3):
- It can do C0 codetype, but currently the program compiles the C0 in a 'C2 format'. So the C0 feature is basically useless.
- Certain psuedo ops don't work which do in PyiiASMH 3
- Doesn't decompile as clean as PyiiASMH 3
- Is missing the 06 codetype
- Is missing the 04 codetype

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