Change Region ID In Between Races [Star]
Change Region ID In Between Races [Star]

This code will change your Region ID in the USER packet to a random number between 0 and 5. This results in your line colour changing on everyone else's screens. However, nothing will change on your own screen.

C2654AD0 00000004
A00400C0 898400C5
398C0001 2C0C0006
41A00008 39800000
998400C5 00000000

C2658F58 00000004
A00400C0 898400C5
398C0001 2C0C0006
41A00008 39800000
998400C5 00000000

C26585C4 00000004
A00400C0 898400C5
398C0001 2C0C0006
41A00008 39800000
998400C5 00000000

C2647270 00000004
A00400C0 898400C5
398C0001 2C0C0006
41A00008 39800000
998400C5 00000000

- You will not be able to see the line colour change on your screen.
- Quoi de neuf XeR ?

Code Creator: Star
Public as of 01/08/2018
Cool  Let's go!

For those who want a Change Region ID code that also updates your own screen, use this code ->

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