Dynamic Gravity v2.0 [JoshuaMK]
NOTE: Outdated by version 3.0.
Not only is this version controller independent AND is also half the length of the previous version, but it also works with ALL racers independently of each other.
This means no more throwing CPUs or your friends off the map because you wanted to take that gosh darn shortcut.
C25801FC 00000002
3D808142 D00300F4
D00C0800 00000000
C2590400 00000005
3D608142 3C80XXXX
908B0804 C14B0804
C1AB0800 EDAD02B2
C03F0000 EC21682A
60000000 00000000
C2586A20 00000002
3D808142 D00300F4
D00C0800 00000000
C2596C24 00000005
3D608142 3C80XXXX
908B0804 C14B0804
C1AB0800 EDAD02B2
C03F0000 EC21682A
60000000 00000000
C25863A0 00000002
3D808142 D00300F4
D00C0800 00000000
C25965A4 00000005
3D608142 3C80XXXX
908B0804 C14B0804
C1AB0800 EDAD02B2
C03F0000 EC21682A
60000000 00000000
C2574A78 00000002
3D808142 D00300F4
D00C0800 00000000
C2584C7C 00000005
3D608142 3C80XXXX
908B0804 C14B0804
C1AB0800 EDAD02B2
C03F0000 EC21682A
60000000 00000000
XXXX = Gravity Multiplier (Recommended value = 4088 // Values higher than 4140 WILL cause unwanted side effects)
#Inject > 805801FC#
lis r12, 0x8142
stfs f0, 0x00F4 (r3)
stfs f0, 0x0800 (r12)
#Inject > 80590400#
lis r11, 0x8142
lis r4, 0xXXXX
stw r4, 0x0804 (r11)
lfs f10, 0x0804 (r11)
lfs f13, 0x0800 (r11)
fmuls f13, f13, f10
lfs f1, 0 (r31)
fadds f1, f1, f13
Code Creator: JoshuaMK
Code Contributors: Hamster35000vr (Gravity Float Address)
NOTE: Outdated by version 3.0.
Not only is this version controller independent AND is also half the length of the previous version, but it also works with ALL racers independently of each other.
This means no more throwing CPUs or your friends off the map because you wanted to take that gosh darn shortcut.
C25801FC 00000002
3D808142 D00300F4
D00C0800 00000000
C2590400 00000005
3D608142 3C80XXXX
908B0804 C14B0804
C1AB0800 EDAD02B2
C03F0000 EC21682A
60000000 00000000
C2586A20 00000002
3D808142 D00300F4
D00C0800 00000000
C2596C24 00000005
3D608142 3C80XXXX
908B0804 C14B0804
C1AB0800 EDAD02B2
C03F0000 EC21682A
60000000 00000000
C25863A0 00000002
3D808142 D00300F4
D00C0800 00000000
C25965A4 00000005
3D608142 3C80XXXX
908B0804 C14B0804
C1AB0800 EDAD02B2
C03F0000 EC21682A
60000000 00000000
C2574A78 00000002
3D808142 D00300F4
D00C0800 00000000
C2584C7C 00000005
3D608142 3C80XXXX
908B0804 C14B0804
C1AB0800 EDAD02B2
C03F0000 EC21682A
60000000 00000000
XXXX = Gravity Multiplier (Recommended value = 4088 // Values higher than 4140 WILL cause unwanted side effects)
#Inject > 805801FC#
lis r12, 0x8142
stfs f0, 0x00F4 (r3)
stfs f0, 0x0800 (r12)
#Inject > 80590400#
lis r11, 0x8142
lis r4, 0xXXXX
stw r4, 0x0804 (r11)
lfs f10, 0x0804 (r11)
lfs f13, 0x0800 (r11)
fmuls f13, f13, f10
lfs f1, 0 (r31)
fadds f1, f1, f13
Code Creator: JoshuaMK
Code Contributors: Hamster35000vr (Gravity Float Address)
Super Mario Eclipse, what Super Mario Sunshine could've been.