Country Flag Changer #2 [Vega]
Country Flag Changer #2 [Vega]

NOTE: Outdated by Anarion's single line version

This code will allow you to change your country code to whatever you want. It also sets your flag image automatically if the country code has an image. Region residence ID is also set ofc.

C200AE50 00000002
3C80XX01 909F00F8
60000000 00000000

C200AE8C 00000002
3C80XX01 909F00F8
60000000 00000000

C200ADE0 00000002
3C80XX01 909F00F8
60000000 00000000

C200AF9C 00000002
3C80XX01 909F00F8
60000000 00000000

XX = Country Code in Hex

lis r4, 0xXX01 #Load 0xXX01 into upper 16 bits of Register 4, lower 16 bits are cleared
stw r4, 0x00F8 (r31) #Store the word of r4 (XX010000) to the address of r31 plus offset 0x00F8

#Default instruction of lwz r4, 0x00F8 (r31) not needed

Code creator: Vega

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