02-15-2018, 08:35 PM
NOTE: In purgatory as I don't do any updates/work for the MKWPP anymore.
Banned Players (unofficial list for MKWPP reference)
NOTE: This is a list for personal use. This is not an official ban list for any 3rd party website.
Mander (mandermka) - Reason: Live Replay, Rapid Fire/Slow Mo
Walter (Black, Blackboi, Razor, MKWiiRec, TheMKWChamp, Guggi, Yuka4Life, Mia) - Reason: Live Replay
Jorge (MARIO) - Reason: Rapid Fire/Slow Mo
Nagisa - Reason: Rapid Fire/Slow Mo
RusoX - Reason: Live Replay
Jay (God, Jay Batten) - Reason: Live Replay, Rapid Fire/Slow Mo, Confession
Daniel - Reason: Live Replay, Confession
Barney - Reason: Live Replay, Confession
F1nn (Artur Baur) - Reason: Rapid Fire/Slow Mo, Confession
Dused - Reason: Rapid Fire/Slow Mo
Nooboss (Matthieu) - Reason: Rapid Fire/Slow Mo
Andy (Andrew Tran, KiraYamatoGXX) - Reason: Live Replay
Paco (King Paco, Paco Gaita) - Reason: Live Replay
Malleo - Reason: Live Replay
Bechito - Reason: Rapid Fire/Slow Mo
Fapencio (Fappy, PekeLexi, Alex, MTAlexMKWii) - Reason: Live Replay
Colvin - Reason: Live Replay, Confession
Raiga - Reason: Live Replay, Confession
Shanan - Reason: Live Replay
Bryce (not the Bryce from USA) - Reason: Live Replay
Casey-B (127mk7 from Japan; Sanma San imposter) - Reason: Live Replay
Shwam (Tyler, Poptarts) - Reason: Live Replay
Victor (The4Victor) - Reason: Live Replay
Yasu (Patrick, Aaron) - Reason: Confession
Neo (Not the Neos that is known for his rDKJP talent) - Reason: Speed Hack, Video Manipulation
Kevin (Indiana from Australia) - Reason: Live Replay
Dashii - Reason: Rapid Fire/Slow Mo
Huppi (Crank) - Reason: Live Replay
MarioFan - Reason: Live Replay
David (Mel) - Reason: Live Replay
Ignite - Reason: Live Replay
Lumina - Reason: Confession
Luvier - Reason: Confession
YoshiKecleon978 - Reason: Rapid Fire/Slow Mo, Confession
Sun - Reason: Live Replay, Confession
Silver (not the Silver from USA) - Reason: Rapid Fire/Slow Mo
Acid - Reason: Rapid Fire/Slow Mo
Rocky (Rocky1337mk) - Reason: Rapid Fire/Slow Mo, Video Manipulation
kel - Reason: Live Replay
Joel (Ghetto, Seek) - Reason: Live Replay
Ryuga - Reason: Live Replay, Rapid Fire/Slow Mo
Relax - Reason: Live Replay
Jimmey - Reason: Live Replay, Rapid Fire/Slow Mo
Jesse - Reason: Live Replay; Rapid Fire/Slow Mo
ふしぎなアメ - Reason: Rapid FIre/Slow Mo
Frozen/Pending Players
Suiryu - Reason: Multiple WR's and other WW tops without any ghost data.
Serxiow - Reason: Evidence supporting use of Slow Mo, refuses to prove legitimacy
Teremi - Reason: See note below*
Bailey - Reason: False Time Submissions (sent Dolphin-made times as legit times)
Desire - Reason: False Time Submissions
Swikan - Reason: Achieved two former WW tops, with very little track history
Pieboy - Reason: False Time Submissions
Shayna (Dimitori Sensei) Reason: Originally banned from Wiimmfi League for "TAS-ing". Yet, no actual evidence that he has TASed. Former links to 'proof' are no longer working.
**Teremi posted a "WR" vid of CM on March 19th, 2014. He claimed it was WR, then almost 2 weeks later, April 1st came along. He then randomly changed the title by taking out the [WR] and adding [TAS], (claiming it was an April Fool's joke). It's obvious he tried passing off that time as legit then tried using April Fool's as an excuse when he couldn't commit with his decision. There is no actual proof that he intended to post a cheated time as a legitimate time, only reasonable articulate suspicion, so he's put on the Pending list instead of the Banned list.
Banned Players (unofficial list for MKWPP reference)
NOTE: This is a list for personal use. This is not an official ban list for any 3rd party website.
![[Image: jp.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/jp.png)
![[Image: at.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/at.png)
![[Image: pr.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/pr.png)
![[Image: jp.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/jp.png)
![[Image: es.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/es.png)
![[Image: gb.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/gb.png)
![[Image: ie.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/ie.png)
![[Image: no.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/no.png)
![[Image: de.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/de.png)
![[Image: de.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/de.png)
![[Image: fr.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/fr.png)
![[Image: us.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/us.png)
![[Image: es.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/es.png)
![[Image: us.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/us.png)
![[Image: mx.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/mx.png)
![[Image: es.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/es.png)
![[Image: us.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/us.png)
![[Image: us.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/us.png)
![[Image: es.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/es.png)
![[Image: de.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/de.png)
![[Image: gb.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/gb.png)
![[Image: ca.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/ca.png)
![[Image: fr.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/fr.png)
![[Image: dk.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/dk.png)
![[Image: de.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/de.png)
![[Image: ie.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/ie.png)
![[Image: mx.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/mx.png)
![[Image: de.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/de.png)
![[Image: us.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/us.png)
![[Image: us.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/us.png)
![[Image: au.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/au.png)
![[Image: fi.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/fi.png)
![[Image: jp.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/jp.png)
![[Image: no.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/no.png)
![[Image: de.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/de.png)
![[Image: fr.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/fr.png)
![[Image: fr.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/fr.png)
![[Image: de.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/de.png)
![[Image: jp.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/jp.png)
![[Image: ca.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/ca.png)
![[Image: de.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/de.png)
![[Image: gr.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/gr.png)
![[Image: us.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/us.png)
![[Image: us.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/us.png)
![[Image: jp.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/jp.png)
Frozen/Pending Players
![[Image: jp.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/jp.png)
![[Image: es.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/es.png)
![[Image: jp.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/jp.png)
![[Image: us.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/us.png)
![[Image: au.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/au.png)
![[Image: ch.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/ch.png)
![[Image: us.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/us.png)
![[Image: fr.png]](https://mkwii.com/pics/flags/fr.png)
**Teremi posted a "WR" vid of CM on March 19th, 2014. He claimed it was WR, then almost 2 weeks later, April 1st came along. He then randomly changed the title by taking out the [WR] and adding [TAS], (claiming it was an April Fool's joke). It's obvious he tried passing off that time as legit then tried using April Fool's as an excuse when he couldn't commit with his decision. There is no actual proof that he intended to post a cheated time as a legitimate time, only reasonable articulate suspicion, so he's put on the Pending list instead of the Banned list.