POW Graphic Mode Modifier [Vega]
This code will allow you to set which 'mode' the POW Block Graphic is at constantly when an opponent POWs you. Works online, have not tested it on offline yet.
X values:
1 = POW fully expanded
2 = POW slightly squished
3 = POW squished all the way
Any other values will make the POW Block graphic not appear, but the POW will still take effect.
C27D9940 00000002
3880000X 9421FFD0
60000000 00000000
C27B1EEC 00000002
3880000X 9421FFD0
60000000 00000000
C27B1558 00000002
3880000X 9421FFD0
60000000 00000000
C27A02AC 00000002
3880000X 9421FFD0
60000000 00000000
#Address Ports
#NTSC-U = 0x807D9940
#PAL = 0x807B1EEC
#NTSC-J = 0x807B1558
#NTSC-K = 0x807A02AC
li r4, 0x0X #Set the 2nd arg to the function (POW graphic mode)
stwu sp, -0x0030 (sp) #Default instruction, start the function call
Code creator: Vega
This code will allow you to set which 'mode' the POW Block Graphic is at constantly when an opponent POWs you. Works online, have not tested it on offline yet.
X values:
1 = POW fully expanded
2 = POW slightly squished
3 = POW squished all the way
Any other values will make the POW Block graphic not appear, but the POW will still take effect.
C27D9940 00000002
3880000X 9421FFD0
60000000 00000000
C27B1EEC 00000002
3880000X 9421FFD0
60000000 00000000
C27B1558 00000002
3880000X 9421FFD0
60000000 00000000
C27A02AC 00000002
3880000X 9421FFD0
60000000 00000000
#Address Ports
#NTSC-U = 0x807D9940
#PAL = 0x807B1EEC
#NTSC-J = 0x807B1558
#NTSC-K = 0x807A02AC
li r4, 0x0X #Set the 2nd arg to the function (POW graphic mode)
stwu sp, -0x0030 (sp) #Default instruction, start the function call
Code creator: Vega