Show Item Boxes on Minimap [Ro]
Show Item Boxes on Minimap [Ro]

This code will show item boxes on minimap as a dot. If an item box is destroyed, the icon will disappear until the item box respawns. You can also choose what color the icon will be. Unfortunately, there are two catches to this code: It will not affect moving item boxes (can only target one object at time, to be worked on a future version of the code) and the other one is that you MUST use the "Show Battle Map Icons" code by CLF78 (I did not include it in my code to not take any credits and to make sure people are aware of his code. "Show Battle Map Icons" code by CLF78:

This code can be modified to target any object of choice, this includes moving objects: Icons of the moving object will move on the minimap. It is possible that I will work on a v2 of this code where it affects all item boxes (both stationary and moving boxes) - 80887CDC call NTSC-U for reference.

I released a version of this code that shows EVERY object on the minimap:

Any region other than NTSC-U is untested!

04887C1C 48000024
04887C48 3AE00065
04887C44 3AA0000X

0488C04C 48000024
0488C078 3AE00065
0488C074 3AA0000X

0488B6B8 48000024
0488B6E4 3AE00065
0488B6E0 3AA0000X

0487A40C 48000024
0487A438 3AE00065
0487A434 3AA0000X

Icon Color (X Value):
1: Yellow
2: Blue
3: Red
4: Black
5: Grey
6: Dark Blue
7: Cyan (Recommended color)
8: Pink

Code Creator: Ro
Code Credits: CLF78 (Show Battle Map Icons)

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