Friend Roster Country Flag Modifier [Vega]
Friend Roster Country Flag Modifier [Vega]

This code will allow you to put in any country code (flag) value you want for all friends of your friend roster online. For example, setting the code to country code value 31 (hex), will give the USA flag for every person of your friend roster.

C25C57C0 00000002
80640004 3D80XX00
91840078 00000000

C25D28DC 00000002
80640004 3D80XX00
91840078 00000000

C25D21B8 00000002
80640004 3D80XX00
91840078 00000000

C25C0A78 00000002
80640004 3D80XX00
91840078 00000000

XX = Country Code (in Hex)

lwz r3, 0x0004 (r4) #Default Instruction
lis r12, 0xXX00 #Load XX00 (XX - country code value) into Register 11
stw r12, 0x0078 (r4) #Store the word of Register 12 to address of Register 4 plus offset of 0x78

Code creator: Vega

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