Single Banana Item Replacement [Luis]
Single Banana Item Replacement [Luis]

048A0994 0000000X

048A5354 0000000X

048A44B4 0000000X

048937B4 0000000X

[X Values]
0 = Green Shell
1 = Red Shell
2 = Banana
3 = Mushroom
4 = Star
5 = Blue Shell
6 = Lightning
7 = Fake Box
8 = Mega Mushroom
9 = Bob-omb
A = Blooper
B = POW Block
C = Golden Mushroom
D = Bullet Bill
E = Thunder Cloud

Code created by: Luis
[Image: GiVNKqR.png]
Hi, is trple bannana x=2 ? or its not possible thanks
There's no values that can be used to fill in with triple items (trip reds, greens, nanas)

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