Freeze Camera [Vega] Press your activator to freeze (lock) the camera in place. It will remain frozen (locked) until you hit your activator again. Link to X,Y,Z values - NOTE: Camera 'updates/movements' still occur from cutscenes (transformations, certain attacks, etc). The camera updates/movements from those events can be disabled, but it creates a probability of a glitch to occur in the match where one of the characters will keep repeating the same attack forever, lol. However, if you still want these cutscenes to not effect the camera, then add the following two RAM Writes immediately below the first '283BXXXX YYYYZZZZ' line... 04045160 4BFC41E9 04045260 4BFC40E9 .. and the following RAM Writes immediately below the other '283BXXXX YYYYZZZZ' line.... 04045160 60000000 04045260 60000000 NTSC-U Rev1 283BXXXX YYYYZZZZ 04045268 4BFC4479 04044A9C 4BFC47A9 0404535C 4BFC3E99 04045368 4BFFD57D 04045388 4BFC3E6D 04045394 4BFFD551 CC000000 00000000 04045268 60000000 04044A9C 60000000 0404535C 60000000 04045368 60000000 04045388 60000000 04045394 60000000 E0000000 80008000 -- Source: All addresses (instructions) are nopped during activation. Original instructions of their respective addresses are re-written during de-activation. All original instructions are bl instructions that call some sort of small child sub-routine. 04045268 = Call to subroutine that handles basic Camera XYZ writes/updates 04044A9C = Call to subroutine that handles Camera XYZ writes/updates when character is coming toward your eye's view on Screen 0404535C = Call to subroutine that handles Camera Long/Lat writes/updates 04045368 = Call to subroutine that handles Camera Long/Lat writes/updates 04045388 = Call to subroutine that handles Camera Long/Lat writes/updates 04045394 = Call to subroutine that handles Camera Long/Lat writes/updates Thus, every instance for any XYZ and/or Long/Long writes/updates are cancelled during acitvation. -- Code creator: Vega