Custom World Tour Character Bracket [Vega] This code allows you to set a custom starting bracket for any tourney done in Dragon World Tour. The code also changes the character you play with using what you set in the code instead of what you picked in character selection. NOTE: For whatever reason, this code will freeze the game if used on Yamcha games. Value guide: GG = Character 1 HH = Character 2 II = Character 3 JJ = Character 4 KK = Character 5 LL = Character 6 NN = Character 7 PP = Character 8 RR = CHaracter 9 SS = Character 10 TT = Character 11 UU = Character 12 VV = Character 13 XX = Character 14 YY = Character 15 ZZ = Character 16 zz = Character 17 (Final Opponent) List of Character values - NTSC-U Rev1 C20E8228 00000008 48000019 GGHHIIJJ KKLLNNPP RRSSTTUU VVXXYYZZ zz000000 7F6802A6 3B7BFFFF 3BBD1A47 38000011 7C0903A6 8C1B0001 9C1D0028 4200FFF8 BB61005C 00000000 Code creator: Vega Source~ #START ASSEMBLY #Address #NTSC-U = 800E8228 #NOTES: #LR safe #r0 safe #r27 thru r31 safe before original instruction #r29 (before original instruction) + 0x1A68 points to player 0's structure #Structure layout #0x0 (word) Bit layout: (flip high for yes, low for no. only 1 bit can be high at a time ofc) #Bit 13 = Final Opponent #Bit 15 = Human (1P/2P/3P, etc etc...) #0x4 (word) = Character (last character listed is always final opponent) #0x8 (word) = Always null? #0xC (word):: #00000001 = 2P #00000002 = 3P #.. .. #00000007 = 8P #0x10 (word) = Slot on current bracket state (always 0x1E for final opponent) #0x14 (word) = always null? #0x18 (word) = always null? #0x1C (word) = always null? #0x20 (word) = always null? #0x24 (word) = always null? #Increment by 0x28 to move onto next player/structure #Create new custom character Table bl bracket_layout .llong 0x0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A #First 8 characters, SS4 Gogeta used for all 8 for compilation purposes only .llong 0x7171717171717171 #Second 8 characters, Evil Buu used for all 8 for compilation purposes only .long 0x85000000 #Final opponent, last 3 bytes are meant to be null. SS Legnedary Broly used for compilaion. bracket_layout: mflr r27 #Adjust r27 for loop addi r27, r27, -1 #Adjust r29 for loop, make it point -0x28 away from character byte of 1st player (player 0) structure addi r29, r29, 0x1A47 #Set loop amount (17 characters to modify) li r0, 17 mtctr r0 #Do the loop, write all 17 character slots of bracket loop: lbzu r0, 0x1 (r27) stbu r0, 0x28 (r29) bdnz+ loop #Original instruction (restore GPRs from stack; part of function epilogue) lmw r27, 0x005C (sp) #END ASSEMBLY