Unlock Literally Everything [Vega] This code will do the following... Unlock all Characters Unlock all Maps Unlock and Purchase all Z Items Set 100% Completion on Dragon History Unlock all 7 Dragon Balls Set Z Points to 9,999,999 Unlock all stages in Dragon World Tour Unlock all 100 Ultimate Battle Missions Unlock Survival Mode How to use the code: Once at the main menu, go to Options, and save your data. Turn off game, remove the code/gct. That's it, you're done. Congratz. Differences between ASM and non-ASM version: Both versions will unlock everything identically, it's just that they execute a bit differently. On the ASM version, the unlocking occurs right after you press 'Save' in Options, before you finalize the Save by hitting Yes to Overwrite. So if you back out right before Overwriting, you can see everything unlocked before you decided to udpate your save. On the Non-ASM version, the unlocking occurs right after your data save is loaded, so you will see everything unlocked the moment you get to the main menu. Code creator: Vega NTSC-U (ASM version) C2191E28 00000014 806D93C0 380000FF 9803000B 3800007F 98030A0B 38C00008 7CC903A6 38C30013 98060000 98060004 98060008 38C60010 4200FFF0 3800FFFF 38C30056 B0060000 B0060004 90030C10 90030C14 90030C18 90030C1C 90030C24 90030C2C 38000007 98030C2B 38000001 98030C23 9803020B 38C00098 7CC903A6 38C32EC7 9C060001 4200FFFC 38000014 9803020F 3C000098 6000967F 90033028 60000000 00000000 Source: #START ASSEMBLY #Address Port #NTSC-U = 0x80191E28 #r0, r6 thru r12, and CTR is safe #LR is NOT safe #Default Instruction, r3 will point to start of Data Save lwz r3, -0x6C40 (r13) #Unlock all DBalls, tell game you've entered in DH at least once li r0, 0xFF stb r0, 0x000B (r3) #Unlock/open all stages in Dragon World Tour li r0, 0x7F stb r0, 0x0A0B (r3) #Set all 0x7F bytes in regards to DH unlocking li r6, 8 mtctr r6 addi r6, r3, 0x13 dh_loop: stb r0, 0 (r6) stb r0, 0x4 (r6) stb r0, 0x8 (r6) addi r6, r6, 0x10 bdnz+ dh_loop #Now write in the two 0xFFFF halfwords to finish DH unlocking li r0, 0xFFFFFFFF #Must set to all F's due to li using signed values addi r6, r3, 0x56 sth r0, 0 (r6) sth r0, 0x4 (r6) #Unlock all characters and maps stw r0, 0x0C10 (r3) stw r0, 0x0C14 (r3) stw r0, 0x0C18 (r3) stw r0, 0x0C1C (r3) stw r0, 0x0C24 (r3) stw r0, 0x0C2C (r3) li r0, 7 stb r0, 0x0C2B (r3) li r0, 1 stb r0, 0x0C23 (r3) #Unlock Survival Mode stb r0, 0x020B (r3) #Unlock and purchase all Z Items li r6, 152 mtctr r6 addi r6, r3, 0x2EC7 #Point to -0x1 before 1st Z item z_item_loop: stbu r0, 0x1 (r6) bdnz+ z_item_loop #Unlock all 100 Missions in Ultimate Battle li r0, 0x14 stb r0, 0x020F (r3) #Set Z points to 9,999,999 lis r0, 0x0098 ori r0, r0, 0x967F stw r0, 0x3028 (r3) #END ASSEMBLY ----------------- Code creator: Vega NTSC-U (Non-ASM) 42000000 90000000 230EA800 00000000 00E5176B 000000FF 08E51773 0000007F 00070010 00000000 08E51777 0000007F 00030010 00000000 02E517B6 0000FFFF 02E517BA 0000FFFF 08E517C7 0000007F 00020010 00000000 08E5177B 0000007F 00030010 00000000 08E517CB 0000007F 00020010 00000000 00E5196B 00000001 00E5196F 00000014 00E5216B 0000007F 08E52370 FFFFFFFF 20030004 00000000 00E52383 00000001 04E52384 FFFFFFFF 00E5238B 00000007 04E5238C FFFFFFFF 08E54628 00000001 00970001 00000000 04E54788 0098967F E0000000 80008000 "Source" Fyi: Start of Data Save is at 0x90E51760 42000000 90000000 Set Base Address to Start of Mem90 230EA800 00000000 Once word value at address 0x910EA800 is NOT zero, execute code. This prevents execution of the code before game loads data save, or else a corruption message occurs. 00E5176B 000000FF Word Byte Value of 0xFF at address 0x90E5176A. This will tell the game you've eventered in Dragon History at least once and you have all 7 dragonballs. 08E51773 0000007F 00070010 00000000 This will write the byte value 0x7F at the following addresses... 90E51773 90E51783 90E51793 90E517A3 90E517B3 90E517C3 90E517D3 90E517E3 08E51777 0000007F 00030010 00000000 This will write the byte value 0x7F at the following addresses... 90E51777 90E51787 90E51797 90E517A7 02E517B6 0000FFFF 02E517BA 0000FFFF This will write the halfword 0xFFFF at addresses 0x90E517B6 and 0x90E517BA 08E517C7 0000007F 00020010 00000000 This will write the byte value 0x7F at the following addresses... 90E517C7 90E517D7 90E517E7 08E5177B 0000007F 00030010 00000000 This will write the byte value 0x7F at the following addresses... 90E5177B 90E5178B 90E5179B 90E517AB 08E517CB 0000007F 00020010 00000000 This will write the byte value 0x7F at the following addresses... 90E517CB 90E517DB 90E517EB Thus... everything in Dragon History is completed. 00E5196B 00000001 Write Byte value of 0x01 at address 0x90E5196B. This will unlock Survival Mode within Ultimate Battle 00E5196F 00000014 Write Byte value of 0x14 at address 0x90E5196F. This will unlock all 20 pages (100 missions) in Ultimate Battle Mission 100. 00E5216B 0000007F Write Byte value of 0x7F at 0x90E5216B. This tells the game you have entered into Dragon World Tour atleast once and it unlocks all Stages for Dragon World Tour 08E52370 FFFFFFFF 20030004 00000000 Write Word Value of 0xFFFFFFFF 4 times consecutively starting at 0x90E52370 00E52383 00000001 Write Byte Value of 0x1 at address 0x90E52383 04E52384 FFFFFFFF Write Word Value of 0xFFFFFFFF at address 0x90E52384 This will unlock all characters. 00E5238B 00000007 Write Byte Value of 0x07 at address 0x90E5238B 04E5238C FFFFFFFF Write Word Value of 0xFFFFFFFF at address 0x90E5238C This will unlock all maps. 08E54628 00000001 00970001 00000000 Write the Byte value 0x01 152 times consecutively starting at 0x90E54628. This purchases all the Z Items 04E54788 0098967F Write word value of 0x0098967F at 0x90E54788. This will set Z points to max (9999999). E0000000 80008000 Standard Final Terminator, reset pointer and base address