Distance Meter [Vega] This code will display the current measured lateral distance between you and your opponent via the match timer. The closer the opponent is to you, the more the number will decrease. The farther away the opponent is from you, the more the number will increase. The value 999 is the max, so if the distance measurement exceeds 999, the reading will still be 999. The actual timer of the match will still continue as normal. Doesn't work in 1P vs 2P, only tested on 1P vs COM in Duel Mode. Won't work in Infinite Matches. NTSC-U C207B7A4 00000003 D01E0044 FDA0001C 3FE08000 39400CE8 7DAAFFAE 00000000 C20C6A08 00000002 3C608000 80630CE8 60000000 00000000 Sources~ 1st Source: (Store Distance to EVA) #Address #NTSC-U = 8007B7A4 #r10 and r31 safe for use #Original Instruction stfs f0, 0x0044 (r30) #Convert distance float to integer, value is always positive, no need for fabs fctiw f13, f0 #Store integer result to 0x80000CE8 lis r31, 0x8000 li r10, 0x0CE8 stfiwx f13, r10, r31 2nd Source: (Modify Timer Value) #Address #NTSC-U = 800C6A08 #r4 & r5 safe for use #r3 safe for use if you don't need original instruction #Original instruction is extsh r3, r3 (not needed in this source) #Set EVA Upper lis r3, 0x8000 #Load Integer value from EVA (set r3 which is in-game timer value) lwz r3, 0x0CE8 (r3) Code creator: Vega