Mario Kart Wii Gecko Codes, Cheats, & Hacks

Full Version: Friend Roster Friend Code Modifier [Vega]
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Friend Roster Friend Code Modifier [Vega]

This code will allow you to put in a fully customized FC value for all friends of your friend roster. If you use the code without a full list of 30 friends, the rest of your list will be filled up with "?"'s for Mii images using the FC you put in the code.

C25C57BC 00000004
91840000 3D80YYYY
618CZZZZ 91840004
7C03002E 00000000

C25D28D8 00000004
91840000 3D80YYYY
618CZZZZ 91840004
7C03002E 00000000

C25D21B4 00000004
91840000 3D80YYYY
618CZZZZ 91840004
7C03002E 00000000

C25C0A74 00000004
91840000 3D80YYYY
618CZZZZ 91840004
7C03002E 00000000

XXXXWWWWYYYYZZZZ = Desired FC value in Hex

Example: You want 0123-4567-8901 for the FC. The decimal value is 012345678901, put that number into a Dec to Hex converter. Hex value is 2DFDC1C35. Now fill in the missing zero's beforehand to get your 64 bit Hex value to put in code. Final XWYZ Hex value would be 00000002DFDC1C35.

lis r12, 0xXXXX #Load XXXX value into upper 16 bits of r12, lower 16 bits are cleared
ori r12, r12, 0xWWWW #Load WWWW value into lower 16 bits of r12
stw r12, 0 (r4) #Store the word of r12 to address of r4
lis r12, 0xYYYY #Load YYYY value into upper 16 bits of r12, lower 16 bits are cleared
ori r12, r12, 0xZZZZ #Load ZZZZ value into lower 16 bits of 12
stw r12, 0x0004 (r4) #Store the word of r12 to address of r4 plus offset of 0x4
lwzx r0, r3, r0 #Default Instruction

Code creator: Vega