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Full Version: Whomst wants to speedrun Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2010?
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I'm probably one of the only people in the world to waste time on this, but anyone want to join? P S. The unlimited ammo in mag cheat is allowed. So are any new codes.
 Until then, good game comrades
Ok sorry for double posting but I would like to correct a mistake i made: there actually are 2 codes that don't count in this speedrun: the noclip one and the "unlock all levels" one. The other ones, like texture edits, fully automatic and unlimited ammo are fine.
How popular is this Cabela's game? Pretty much everyone who is a member on these forums focus primarily on mkwii.
(10-30-2018, 08:45 PM)Vega Wrote: [ -> ]How popular is this Cabela's game? Pretty much everyone who is a member on these forums focus primarily on mkwii.
Not very popular at all. It's so obscure that hardly anyone even knows it exists. The only reason I really like it so much is because I grew up with it as my first real game that I no-lifed. The mechanics are quite simple and the game seems like it should be easy enough to manipulate. The graphics are also alright for a Wii fps game. Check it out:
[Image: CabelasBigGameHunter2010-Screenshot01-Cauldron.jpg]
to be honest, i'd rather play MK or COD or something, this is just a starter project. P.S. the ragdoll mechanics are funny as shit, if you ever get headshots with the .50 cal you'll know lol
After a quick look on, there doesn't appear to be much cheat codes made at all for that game. Good game to exploit for making new ASM.
Yeah... It'll be a little while before any new codes for this game come out, at least from me lol