Mario Kart Wii Gecko Codes, Cheats, & Hacks

Full Version: Always Win Track Vote (Host Only) [Star]
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Always Win Track Vote (Host Only) [Star]

This code will specify a player slot to always win the track vote. It will only work if you are the host of the room.

C2659EE4 00000002
3880000X 989F003E
60000000 00000000

C2661E20 00000002
3880000X 989F003E
60000000 00000000

C266148C 00000002
3880000X 989F003E
60000000 00000000

C2650138 00000002
3880000X 989F003E
60000000 00000000

[X Values]
0 = 1st Player Slot (Always the Host in a Friend Room)
1 = 2nd Player Slot
2 = 3rd Player Slot
3 = 4th Player Slot
4 = 5th Player Slot
5 = 6th Player Slot
6 = 7th Player Slot
7 = 8th Player Slot
8 = 9th Player Slot
9 = 10th Player Slot
A = 11th Player Slot
B = 12th Player Slot

Code Creator: Star
Does this work on both frooms and WWs?
For anyone who cares here's a version of Star's code that will select your track in the WW regardless of whether or not your slot changes in the WW.

It is untested, if you guys can try this, let me know if there's any issues.

Index tracking (2nd ASM) by Fishguy

Obviously if you know your ASM, you can easily configure this to never pick your track. 0x800005FE (byte) of the vector area is used

C2659EE4 00000002
3C808000 888405FE
989F003E 00000000
C252BA08 00000002
9BBF0B84 3EC08000
9BB605FE 00000000

C2661E20 00000002
3C808000 888405FE
989F003E 00000000
C2530550 00000002
9BBF0B84 3EC08000
9BB605FE 00000000

C266148C 00000002
3C808000 888405FE
989F003E 00000000
C252FED0 00000002
9BBF0B84 3EC08000
9BB605FE 00000000

C2650138 00000002
3C808000 888405FE
989F003E 00000000
C251E5A8 00000002
9BBF0B84 3EC08000
9BB605FE 00000000

#Address Ports
#80659EE4 = NTSC-U
#80661E20 = PAL
#8066148C = NTSC-J
#80650138 = NTSC-K

lis r4, 0x8000
lbz r4, 0x05FE (r4)
stb r4, 0x003E (r31) #Default Instruction; store slot index of who won track vote

#Address Ports
#8052BA08 = NTSC-U
#80530550 = PAL
#8052FED0 = NTSC-J
#8051E5A8 = NTSC-K

stb r29, 0x0B84 (r31) #Default Instruction, store your slot index to memory
lis r22, 0x8000
stb r29, 0x05FE (r22)