Mario Kart Wii Gecko Codes, Cheats, & Hacks

Full Version: AutoPilot [mdmwii]
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AutoPilot [mdmwii]

NOTE: Outdated by MarioBOT which can do perfect start boosts and preform wheelies.

With this code, the game will drive the character for you. Only works for GCN.

C2728AE8 00000004
3E408000 82521550
925D0150 925D0178
38000001 981D0163
881D0163 00000000
C251BEA0 00000002
3E408000 93B21550
60000000 00000000
0451A990 60000000

C2732CA0 00000004
3E408000 82521550
925D0150 925D0178
38000001 981D0163
881D0163 00000000
C2520314 00000002
3E408000 93B21550
60000000 00000000
0451EE04 60000000

C273230C 00000004
3E408000 82521550
925D0150 925D0178
38000001 981D0163
881D0163 00000000
C251FC94 00000002
3E408000 93B21550
60000000 00000000
0451E784 60000000

C2721048 00000004
3E408000 82521550
925D0150 925D0178
38000001 981D0163
881D0163 00000000
C250E338 00000002
3E408000 93B21550
60000000 00000000
0450CE28 60000000

Code created by: mdmwii