06-09-2018, 03:42 PM
Force Respawn [Anarion]
Press desired button activator(s) at any time to force a respawn. There are two configurations to this code. For offline use, works in all modes.
1st config: During Offline use, it will effect everyone
2nd config: During Offline use, you choose which Slot will be effected (fyi Slot Value 0 = You aka Player 1)
rrrr Values (for PAL versions only):
8034 = Wheel, Chuck, or Classic
8035 = GCN
XXXX = Standard Controller Address Value
ZZZZ = Standard Button Value
s = Slot Value (2nd config only)
0 = Player 1
1 = CPU 1
.. ..
B = CPU 11 (final CPU)
1st config:
C2572104 00000006
3D608034 A14BXXXX
280AZZZZ 40A20018
819C0000 818C0004
816C0014 656B0001
916C0014 7F83E378
60000000 00000000
C2578968 00000006
3D60rrrr A14BXXXX
280AZZZZ 40A20018
819C0000 818C0004
816C0014 656B0001
916C0014 7F83E378
60000000 00000000
C25782E8 00000006
3D608034 A14BXXXX
280AZZZZ 40A20018
819C0000 818C0004
816C0014 656B0001
916C0014 7F83E378
60000000 00000000
C25669C0 00000006
3D608033 A14BXXXX
280AZZZZ 40A20018
819C0000 818C0004
816C0014 656B0001
916C0014 7F83E378
60000000 00000000
2nd config:
C2572104 00000008
819C0000 818C0000
898C0010 2C0C000s
40A20028 3D608034
40A20018 819C0000
818C0004 816C0014
656B0001 916C0014
7F83E378 00000000
C2578968 00000008
819C0000 818C0000
898C0010 2C0C000s
40A20028 3D60rrrr
40A20018 819C0000
818C0004 816C0014
656B0001 916C0014
7F83E378 00000000
C25782E8 00000008
819C0000 818C0000
898C0010 2C0C000s
40A20028 3D608034
40A20018 819C0000
818C0004 816C0014
656B0001 916C0014
7F83E378 00000000
C25669C0 00000008
819C0000 818C0000
898C0010 2C0C000s
40A20028 3D608033
40A20018 819C0000
818C0004 816C0014
656B0001 916C0014
7F83E378 00000000
Code creator: Anarion
Code credits: Vega (Better Hook Address, Added Slot Selection ability, Changed cmpwi to cmplwi for Button Activator to allow 0x8000+ Button Values, removed arbitrary byte write and replaced with proper bit flipping). Stebler (Slot Level Pointing portion of source)
---1st config source
#NTSC-U = 0x80572104
#PAL 80578968
#NTSC-J = 0x805782E8
#NTSC-K = 0x805669C0
#r28 = alt slot0playerpointer
#Check controller
lis r11, 0x8035 #PAL GCN Y button used for source compilation, adjust to your preference
lhz r10, 0xFFFF8200 (r11)
cmplwi r10, 0x0880
bne+ original_instruction
lwz r12, 0 (r28)
lwz r12, 0x4 (r12)
lwz r11, 0x0014 (r12)
oris r11, r11, 0x0001
stw r11, 0x0014 (r12)
mr r3, r28
----2nd config source
#NTSC-U = 0x80572104
#PAL 80578968
#NTSC-J = 0x805782E8
#NTSC-K = 0x805669C0
#r28 = alt slot0playerpointer
#Check Slot
lwz r12, 0 (r28)
lwz r12, 0 (r12)
lbz r12, 0x10 (r12)
cmpwi r12, 0 #Slot 0 used for source compilation, adjust to your preference
bne+ original_instruction
#Check controller
lis r11, 0x8035 #PAL GCN Y button used for source compilation, adjust to your preference
lhz r10, 0xFFFF8200 (r11)
cmplwi r10, 0x0880
bne+ original_instruction
lwz r12, 0 (r28)
lwz r12, 0x4 (r12)
lwz r11, 0x0014 (r12)
oris r11, r11, 0x0001
stw r11, 0x0014 (r12)
mr r3, r28
Press desired button activator(s) at any time to force a respawn. There are two configurations to this code. For offline use, works in all modes.
1st config: During Offline use, it will effect everyone
2nd config: During Offline use, you choose which Slot will be effected (fyi Slot Value 0 = You aka Player 1)
rrrr Values (for PAL versions only):
8034 = Wheel, Chuck, or Classic
8035 = GCN
XXXX = Standard Controller Address Value
ZZZZ = Standard Button Value
s = Slot Value (2nd config only)
0 = Player 1
1 = CPU 1
.. ..
B = CPU 11 (final CPU)
1st config:
C2572104 00000006
3D608034 A14BXXXX
280AZZZZ 40A20018
819C0000 818C0004
816C0014 656B0001
916C0014 7F83E378
60000000 00000000
C2578968 00000006
3D60rrrr A14BXXXX
280AZZZZ 40A20018
819C0000 818C0004
816C0014 656B0001
916C0014 7F83E378
60000000 00000000
C25782E8 00000006
3D608034 A14BXXXX
280AZZZZ 40A20018
819C0000 818C0004
816C0014 656B0001
916C0014 7F83E378
60000000 00000000
C25669C0 00000006
3D608033 A14BXXXX
280AZZZZ 40A20018
819C0000 818C0004
816C0014 656B0001
916C0014 7F83E378
60000000 00000000
2nd config:
C2572104 00000008
819C0000 818C0000
898C0010 2C0C000s
40A20028 3D608034
40A20018 819C0000
818C0004 816C0014
656B0001 916C0014
7F83E378 00000000
C2578968 00000008
819C0000 818C0000
898C0010 2C0C000s
40A20028 3D60rrrr
40A20018 819C0000
818C0004 816C0014
656B0001 916C0014
7F83E378 00000000
C25782E8 00000008
819C0000 818C0000
898C0010 2C0C000s
40A20028 3D608034
40A20018 819C0000
818C0004 816C0014
656B0001 916C0014
7F83E378 00000000
C25669C0 00000008
819C0000 818C0000
898C0010 2C0C000s
40A20028 3D608033
40A20018 819C0000
818C0004 816C0014
656B0001 916C0014
7F83E378 00000000
Code creator: Anarion
Code credits: Vega (Better Hook Address, Added Slot Selection ability, Changed cmpwi to cmplwi for Button Activator to allow 0x8000+ Button Values, removed arbitrary byte write and replaced with proper bit flipping). Stebler (Slot Level Pointing portion of source)
---1st config source
#NTSC-U = 0x80572104
#PAL 80578968
#NTSC-J = 0x805782E8
#NTSC-K = 0x805669C0
#r28 = alt slot0playerpointer
#Check controller
lis r11, 0x8035 #PAL GCN Y button used for source compilation, adjust to your preference
lhz r10, 0xFFFF8200 (r11)
cmplwi r10, 0x0880
bne+ original_instruction
lwz r12, 0 (r28)
lwz r12, 0x4 (r12)
lwz r11, 0x0014 (r12)
oris r11, r11, 0x0001
stw r11, 0x0014 (r12)
mr r3, r28
----2nd config source
#NTSC-U = 0x80572104
#PAL 80578968
#NTSC-J = 0x805782E8
#NTSC-K = 0x805669C0
#r28 = alt slot0playerpointer
#Check Slot
lwz r12, 0 (r28)
lwz r12, 0 (r12)
lbz r12, 0x10 (r12)
cmpwi r12, 0 #Slot 0 used for source compilation, adjust to your preference
bne+ original_instruction
#Check controller
lis r11, 0x8035 #PAL GCN Y button used for source compilation, adjust to your preference
lhz r10, 0xFFFF8200 (r11)
cmplwi r10, 0x0880
bne+ original_instruction
lwz r12, 0 (r28)
lwz r12, 0x4 (r12)
lwz r11, 0x0014 (r12)
oris r11, r11, 0x0001
stw r11, 0x0014 (r12)
mr r3, r28