Mario Kart Wii Gecko Codes, Cheats, & Hacks

Full Version: No Disconnect [Bully]
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No Disconnect [Bully]

You will never DC from being idle.

0451CF94 38000000
04539758 38000000
04539A30 38000000
04539B78 38000000
04539BE8 38000000

04521408 38000000
0453EC94 38000000
0453EF6C 38000000
0453F0B4 38000000
0453F124 38000000

04520D88 38000000
0453E614 38000000
0453E8EC 38000000
0453EA34 38000000
0453EAA4 38000000

0450F42C 38000000
0452CCEC 38000000
0452CFC4 38000000
0452D10C 38000000
0452D17C 38000000

Code creator: Bully
Would anyone happen to know which address controls the "End Race when Everyone Else Finished" feature? I'd like to not dc from being idle but, still have the game end when 30 seconds passed since the leader finished.
The second line. Also, what is your Discord? I don't seem to have you added anymore? or I can't find you
(07-26-2024, 03:38 AM)_Ro Wrote: [ -> ]The second line. Also, what is your Discord? I don't seem to have you added anymore? or I can't find you

Discord: ImZeraora