Mario Kart Wii Gecko Codes, Cheats, & Hacks

Full Version: No Checkpoints (Instant Laps) [Hamster35000vr]
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No Checkpoints (Instant Laps) [Hamster35000vr]

Code only works offline. You simply need to cross the line to record a lap, no need to race the track.

C252FEB8 00000002
38A50001 B0A30024
B0A30023 00000000

C2534A00 00000002
38A50001 B0A30024
B0A30023 00000000

C2534380 00000002
38A50001 B0A30024
B0A30023 00000000

C2522A58 00000002
38A50001 B0A30024
B0A30023 00000000

Code created by: Hamster35000vr