Mario Kart Wii Gecko Codes, Cheats, & Hacks

Full Version: Clear Items / Item Reset v2 [Ro, Fishguy6564]
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Clear Items / Item Reset v2 [Ro, Fishguy6564]

This code will clear all items in play. This version also clears TCs, Bloopers and hacked items that can't be cleared (Everlasting Items, Cute Items etc).

04796740 48000018
0479DAB0 4800000C

0479F74C 48000018
047A6ABC 4800000C

0479EDB8 48000018
047A6128 4800000C

0478DB0C 48000018
04794E7C 4800000C

Code creator: Ro
Is there a way to make this activate for X seconds and then deactivate?
This would be really cool for the start of a battle.