Mario Kart Wii Gecko Codes, Cheats, & Hacks

Full Version: Obsessive Friend Roster [Spaghetti Noppers]
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Obsessive Friend Roster [Spaghetti Noppers]

Choose a slot on your roster to repeat the person on every slot of your roster.

C25C77B4 00000004
394000XX 3960001E
399F1974 954C0004
356BFFFF 4082FFF8
60000000 00000000

C25D48D0 00000004
394000XX 3960001E
399F1974 954C0004
356BFFFF 4082FFF8
60000000 00000000

C25D41AC 00000004
394000XX 3960001E
399F1974 954C0004
356BFFFF 4082FFF8
60000000 00000000

C25C2A6C 00000004
394000XX 3960001E
399F1974 954C0004
356BFFFF 4082FFF8
60000000 00000000

XX = Friend Roster Slot (in hex minus 1)

XX Values:
00 = Slot 1
01 = Slot 2
0E = Slot 15
1D = Slot 30

#Default Instruction not needed

li r10, 0xXX #Set a XX value for compiling
li r11, 30 #30 for max friend roster amount

addi r12, r31, 0x1974

stwu r10, 0x4 (r12)
subic. r11, r11, 1
bne+ the_loop

Code creator: The Spaghetti Noppers Group
Code credits: Vega (improved source, revised loop)
I was randomly looking at codes and came across this and remembered using it years ago. Took a look at the source, and saw it could be improved. Removed Stack Stuff, improvised the Loop. Cut compiled code length from 8 lines to 5.