Mario Kart Wii Gecko Codes, Cheats, & Hacks

Full Version: Connect to AltWFC again [marito_yo]
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mua kart wii (altwfc)

Spoofs your gamename and key to mua2wii so that you can matchmake on AltWFC with Mario Kart Wii 


06895ae8 00000008
6D756132 77696900
06895AF8 00000007
51697A4D 33410000


0689A1B8 00000008
6D756132 77696900
0689A1C8 00000007
51697A4D 33410000


06899318 00000008
6D756132 77696900
06899328 00000007
51697A4D 33410000


068885F0 00000008
6D756132 77696900
06888600 00000007
51697A4D 33410000

Code creator: marito_yo