Mario Kart Wii Gecko Codes, Cheats, & Hacks

Full Version: Extend Waiting For Others [dirtyfrikandel]
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Extend Waiting For Others [dirtyfrikandel]

This code fixes the following problem when you use the Freeze Selection Timer code by bully ( If friends in a friend room select a character / vehicle combo, they will see a "Please wait a moment" screen while they wait for you to choose. After around 3,5 minutes, they will get disconnected. The same holds true for voting for a track.  This code prevents that. 

I used this code in during a LAN party. This makes it possible to have a small break between races to get beers / use the toilet etc.

C25DD37C 00000002
38000001 90030020
60000000 00000000

C2601C5C 00000002
38000001 90030020
60000000 00000000

C26013D0 00000002
38000001 90030020
60000000 00000000

C25F007C 00000002
38000001 90030020
60000000 00000000