Mario Kart Wii Gecko Codes, Cheats, & Hacks

Full Version: Disable the button ok in vs mode
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I want a cheat code or explication on how to find this, to make the button ok can't be activate by player but by a external element like change a number en ram activate the button.
Doing this would require more than just changing a value in RAM.
i guess but how to find where is executate the function of the button ?
Disclaimer: I have basically never actually made a code.

I guess the game needs to keep track somewhere of how far you have progressed through the menus, because it has to change the background music. The last change occurs when you select the track and see the "OK" button, and it's when you start to hear the engine noise. Maybe this could be a starting point, but again, I'm basically as inexperienced as you are.
JoshuaMK has some experience with disabling some menu buttons/options. Such as this code here ->

You could try to contact him for some help.

Just an FYI (and this is not to be rude at all) that most of us coder/devs are lazy and unmotivated (particularly to MKWii). Most of us do codes/projects on other games now. So for any new-comers, don't be surprised if you don't get any responses for code-help all that often.
(11-19-2021, 10:58 PM)Cealgair Wrote: [ -> ]Disclaimer: I have basically never actually made a code.

I guess the game needs to keep track somewhere of how far you have progressed through the menus, because it has to change the background music. The last change occurs when you select the track and see the "OK" button, and it's when you start to hear the engine noise. Maybe this could be a starting point, but again, I'm basically as inexperienced as you are.

yes but how desactivate i found the memory adresse of track and change (in random) when the button ok appear so where in code get the input of the players ?
(11-19-2021, 11:06 PM)Vega Wrote: [ -> ]JoshuaMK has some experience with disabling some menu buttons/options. Such as this code here ->

You could try to contact him for some help.

Just an FYI (and this is not to be rude at all) that most of us coder/devs are lazy and unmotivated (particularly to MKWii). Most of us do codes/projects on other games now. So for any new-comers, don't be surprised if you don't get any responses for code-help all that often.

i see the last visit it is 10-27-2021, 01:22 AM but it is a start this cheat code
To manually set the A button of the first player as pressed for one frame (PAL, untested).

.set InputManager_s_instance, 0x809bd70c

lis r3, InputManager_s_instance@ha
lwz r3, InputManager_s_instance@l (r3)
lwz r3, 0x8 (r3)
lhz r4, 0x20 (r3)
ori r4, r4, 0x1
sth r4, 0x20 (r3)
(11-20-2021, 06:18 PM)stebler Wrote: [ -> ]To manually set the A button of the first player as pressed for one frame (PAL, untested).

.set InputManager_s_instance, 0x809bd70c

lis r3, InputManager_s_instance@ha
lwz r3, InputManager_s_instance@l (r3)
lwz r3, 0x8 (r3)
lhz r4, 0x20 (r3)
ori r4, r4, 0x1
sth r4, 0x20 (r3)
is NTSC-U ? or other version for testing
Considering Stebler is from Europe, and all the documentation of MKW is mostly in PAL, it's safe to say that pointer/address is PAL.
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