Mario Kart Wii Gecko Codes, Cheats, & Hacks

Full Version: Disable Ghost Race Lap Split Difference Text [Diamond]
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Disable Ghost Race Lap Split Difference Text [Diamond]

Disables the lap split difference text during a ghost race.

048422E8 60000000
04842338 60000000

047EE74C 60000000
047EE79C 60000000

047EDDB8 60000000
047EDE08 60000000

047DCB0C 60000000
047DCB5C 60000000

1st Nop cancels the call to some sort of Print+MSG Function for text when you're ahead
2nd Nop cancels the call to some sort of Print+MSG Function for text when you're behind

Code creator: Diamond
There was a bug in this code. It only disabled the text when you're behind when crossing the start/finish line. Updated the OP so the disabling works all the time. Not going to bother adding myself to credits. This took a simple Ins BP then scrolled up and instantly noticed another func call to the same func was not being nopped. Most likely just forgotten to be added when posted.