Mario Kart Wii Gecko Codes, Cheats, & Hacks

Full Version: Please READ before posting any Code bugs/issues.
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About Posting Code Bugs/Issues

First thing's first, thank you for visiting and signing up! And thank you very much for trying to make sure codes are bug-free! We appreciate your feedback.  Heart

Sometimes even with thorough testing, us Code Creators may have missed something. Bugs/hiccups can slip thru from time to time. However in the era of post-Nintendo WiFi, most users play MKWii Online via the Wiimmfi service, which can lead to some issues. The Wiimmfi Online Service has many security patches that can cause a code to be buggy or not work at all. In fact, some specific codes have been blocked. Fyi, the security patches (in regards to blocking codes) should only take effect when you are present in an Online Public Race/Battle. Online friend rooms and anything Offline are not effected. (Thank you Leseratte for those details).

Here is a checklist that I ask any user to read thru before posting Code bug(s):
1. Was this on a Wiimmfi Online Public Race/Battle? If so, test the code(s) on a server that uses some other Online-Emulation software.

2. Were you running other codes? If so, remove any codes. If you are using a cheat code that's just for the purpose of connecting to an Online Server, only have that specific code enabled (plus the bugged code) and nothing else.

3. How are you loading/applying your codes? Riivolution? USB Loader GX? Dolphin? Us Code Creators need to know this to help you solve the bug. If possible, try using an app that uses the original Gecko Code Handler (ex: USB Loader GX) to see if you can get the bug to occur again. If you are forced to use Dolphin, are you on Dolphin-Stable? Have you tried a Dev version of Dolphin? Are you on the latest Dev version of Dolphin?

Going thru this checklist may solve the issue of why the code(s) is not working. Thank you for your time!  Smile