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Full Version: Quick question about Ghidra
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IIRC, my computer at the other house (which uses a build from source for the 1.0.0 original dol/rel reader) can read the StaticR.rel and align the addresses no problem. The computer I just used fwas with the zip release of 1.0.0.

(Doing this for ghidra 9.1 ofc) do a git download of the current repository of the dol/rel reader, and build it from source. Re-install ghidra 9.1 (w/ the gekko+broadway lang pack) completely from scratch. Once you have the dol/relzip file from the git source build, try loading the Rel file again.

If you have building problems, I won't be able to help. Somehow someway I was able to build the 1.0.0 dol/rel reader just once (on the other computer). For some reason, I can't replicate the successful build.

I just tried building the current repository and its failure after failure. Tried so many diff combos of java sdk and gradle to no avail.
Part of the reason I used the release zip was because I was worried about the problems that can come with trying to build an unfamiliar source project, which I know the pain of all too well. I might just change the base address as a quick solution for now. Most of the function addresses I’ve found so far needed to be adjust to find them in Ghidra, so that should solve that problem in most cases.

Thanks for the help!
Try Google Searching for the Wii SDK 4.5. It should have a usable version of CodeWarrior. CodeWarrior runs on Windows.
Hello all, I'm new here but I'm also running into this issue with Ghidra 9.1.1. My Main.dol file appears to have the instruction memory offset compared to Dolphin (but otherwise loads fine) and I run into java exceptions when attempting to load the .rel file. Is the current advice to downgrade Ghidra to <= 9.0? Or is it possible to import the .rel file using the additional options dialog and setting a Base Address/ file Offset etc.? Thanks
On closer inspection, it appears that the main.dol file addresses are correct, so its really just the staticR.dol import that I'm having trouble with. My question from before is then, do I need to downgrade my Ghidra or is there some Base Address/ file offset / block name configuration I need to set in the import file dialog.

Try what I posted in Post #4
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