Mario Kart Wii Gecko Codes, Cheats, & Hacks

Full Version: Country Flag Ghost Preview Modifier [Bully]
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Country Flag Ghost Preview Modifier [Bully]

Temporarily changes the country flag that is displayed for all ghosts. Will not remove the Nintendo flag
from the staff ghosts.

045CCD68 3C00XX00

045E2B44 3C00XX00

045E2420 3C00XX00

045D0CE0 3C00XX00

XX = Country Code converted to Hex

XX Values:
Japan Region
Japan: 01

American Region
Anguilla: 08
Antigua and Barbuda: 09
Argentina: 0A
Aruba: 0B
Bahamas: 0C
Barbados: 0D
Belize: 0E
Bolivia: 0F
Brazil: 10
British Virgin Islands: 11
Canada: 12
Cayman Islands: 13
Chile: 14
Colombia: 15
Costa Rica: 16
Dominica: 17
Dominican Republic: 18
Ecuador: 19
El Salvador: 1A
French Guiana: 1B
Grenada: 1C
Guadeloupe: 1D
Guatemala: 1E
Guyana: 1F
Haiti: 20
Honduras: 21
Jamaica: 22
Martinique: 23
Mexico: 24
Montserrat: 25
Netherlands Antilles: 26
Nicaragua: 27
Panama: 28
Paraguay: 29
Peru: 2A
St. Kitts and Nevis: 2B
St. Lucia: 2C
St. Vincent & the Grenadines: 2D
Suriname: 2E
Trinidad and Tobago: 2F
Turks and Caicos Islands: 30
United States: 31
Uruguay: 32
U.S. Virgin Islands: 33
Venezuela: 34

PAL (Europe & Oceania) Region
Albania: 40
Australia: 41
Austria: 42
Belgium: 43
Bosnia & Herzegovina: 44
Bostwana: 45
Bulgaria: 46
Croatia: 47
Cyprus: 48
Czech Republic: 49
Denmark: 4A
Estonia: 4B
Finland: 4C
France: 4D
Germany: 4E
Greece: 4F
Hungary: 50
Iceland: 51
Ireland: 52
Italy 53
Latvia: 54
Lesotho: 55
Lichtenstein: 56
Lithuania: 57
Luxembourg: 58
F.Y.R. of Macedonia: 59
Malta: 5A
Montenegro: 5B
Mozambique: 5C
Namibia: 5D
Netherlands: 5E
New Zealand: 5F
Norway: 60
Poland: 61
Portugal: 62
Romania: 63
Russia: 64
Serbia: 65
Slovakia: 66
Slovenia: 67
South Africa: 68
Spain: 69
Swaziland: 6A
Sweden: 6B
Switzerland: 6C
Turkey: 6D
United Kingdom: 6E
Zambia: 6F
Zimbabwe: 70

Unused Region (Other African countries)
Azerbaijan: 71
Mauritania: 72
Mali: 73
Niger: 74
Chad: 75
Sudan: 76
Eritrea: 77
Dijibouti: 78
Somalia: 79

Taiwan Region:
Taiwan: 80

South Korea Region:
South Korea: 88

Unused Region: (Hong Kong and Macao)
Hong Kong: 90
Macao: 91

Unused Region: (Some Southeast Asia countries)
Indonesia: 98
Singapore: 99
Thailand: 9A
Phillipines: 9B
Malyasia: 9C

China Region:
China: A0

Unused Region: (Middle East and some neighboring countries)
U.A.E.: A8
India: A9
Egpyt: AA
Oman: AB
Qatar: AC
Kuwait: AD
Saudi Arabia: AE
Syria: AF
Bahrain: B0
Jordan: B1

Code created by: Bully