Mario Kart Wii Gecko Codes, Cheats, & Hacks

Full Version: ASM vid series in the future?
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Yeah, but there is another Terms of Service I have to go by. My mom's lol
It's no big deal in the end. It's actually a good thing your parents won't let you get a Discord because it shows your parents want to raise you as best as they can, which is actually hard to find in American parents nowadays. So kudos to them.
Yeah Tongue
UPDATE: new Mic came in the mail. Was a pain to set it up on my custom Debian environment. But it works! I'm currently writing a basic tutorial on making codes execute on set time intervals (for easy in-race stuff based on the timer). After that I can start making the videos. Screen capture works perfectly (using simple screen record).

To JoshuaMK: for w/e tutorials you add later, make a vid for them. I can add them to a vid playlist on Youtube and a vid listing for "How to Noob to Coder' thread.
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