Mario Kart Wii Gecko Codes, Cheats, & Hacks

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If any coder out there has some spare time, can you attempt to make the following codes? (I don't have much time myself and I lack creativity tbh)

- Auto POW Dodge (the current POW blocker code shows to others that you cheated the pow blocker)
- Millisecond Display Modifier that works in Battle
- Auto Press A at Wii Remote strap screen
- (For usa game only) Never display the ESRB rating screen, bypass it
- A 100% true invincible code (the current one is nearly perfect, but quite not there)
can you link me to the POW Blocker and Invincible codes?
thank ya sir btw whats wrong with the invincible code?
I've only used it a few times for quick basic testing before adding it to the forum, but from I've been told, it doesn't 100% protect against lightning.
Have you tried this Invincible Code? I have used this code for years and was actually very pleased. However, I have not tested the code against all Items.

Invincibility - PAL
0458187C 60000000
C25A2E74 00000002
38000001 9803000A
80030008 00000000

I think it's from Bully.
All codes in my OP have already been addressed awhile ago. Thank you though. Might as well lock this thread.