Congratz Joshua on getting the 1000th postÂ
I don't really know how to reward you for the big win. Do you want like a special rank and forum icon? If so, what kind of icon? I can give you a special role to where you can put in w/e custom title you want.
Dang I missed it! But congrats!
(11-05-2019, 07:37 PM)Vega Wrote: [ -> ]Congratz Joshua on getting the 1000th postÂ
I don't really know how to reward you for the big win. Do you want like a special rank and forum icon? If so, what kind of icon? I can give you a special role to where you can put it w/e custom title you want.
That all sounds good. I guess I'd want a red star as my icon, with the ability to change my ranks name kinda like how star can?
Alright I gave you your own Role (red star image with red bold font). You have no limits on posts per day, you can use custom user titles, and you can view invisible users when they are online.
^Read PM. Also, you can now post in any code subforum w/o waiting for approval.
(11-05-2019, 08:02 PM)Vega Wrote: [ -> ]^Read PM. Also, you can now post in any code subforum w/o waiting for approval.
awesome. no more waiting whew
Somewhere in the User Control Panel, there should now be an option for you to set a custom user title
yeah ik, I just haven't changed it yet