Mario Kart Wii Gecko Codes, Cheats, & Hacks

Full Version: Freeze/Stall/Spam Room [DarkFlare]
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Freeze/Stall/Spam Room [DarkFlare]

NOTE: Does NOT work on Wiimmfi due to their security patches.

In open room: Press and hold activator to make your Mii spam "Here I am!" over and over again on other people's screens (you will not see this effect on your screen)

At Course Vote: After at least one person has voted, press and hold the activator for a few seconds then let go. On everybody else's screen it will show you voted a track, but you have not. Once the selection timer has run out for you, you will be stuck, but on other people's screen they will be sitting on the track for eternity waiting for lakitu to initiate countdown.

If you then press and hold the activator for a few seconds again, everybody can finally begin the race. You are still stuck at course vote. Everybody will then be in a forever matrix (they are forced to race in slow motion). Sometimes this doesn't work and the course vote for everyone will remain stuck then eventually everyone DC's back to Wifi globe menu.

And finally if you press and hold the activator again for a very long time, everybody DC's.

During actual race: *Don't activate at all until race has started*. Everyone will freeze except you.

04653844 80030008
04653844 60000000
E0000000 80008000

04657CCC 80030008
04657CCC 60000000
E0000000 80008000

04657338 80030008
04657338 60000000
E0000000 80008000

04645FE4 80030008
04645FE4 60000000
E0000000 80008000

Other notes: Replacing '60000000' with '38000000' appears to only work during in race (freeze) but the freeze didn't seem as bad/strong (Dolphin didn't crash as hard).

Code created by: DarkFlare